West Wrestling…. The Proper Perspective!
One thing I know is most people want to hear Positive things about our Wrestling Program.
Well, I can't blame them….
I mean, who get's excited about struggle, pain or disappointment?
Most people don't!
So why do I share all that with you as the West Iredell Wrestling Team continues to "Rise Up?"
I do it to let YOU know, that what WE are doing is… REAL!
It's Bigger than just Winning on the mat and YES, we want to win on the mat.
BUT we also want to BUILD a PROGRAM that makes a Long-Lasting Positive Difference in the Lives of many….
Not just our kids that wrestle but the school, the community, all those involved and especially YOU…. Our Fans!
So let me give you an update and The Proper Perspective!
As I write this we are 2-5.
That's right 2-5 – 2 wins and 5 losses.
Last year We were 3-25.
BUT here's the MARKED difference.
Last years Team had 12-13 kids out total!
We currently have 28-32 and are growing daily.
Am I happy about a 2-5 record?
Are the Athletes?
100% - Without a Doubt…. NO!
BUT we have to ask ourselves one thing….
"Are WE competing?"
Let me give you a rundown of what we have wrestled so far.
Our first competition was the Fred T. Foard Duals.
5 Dual Meets in One Night!
We went 1-4 and of those 4 Losses – 2 were TIES that we lost on Criteria and 1 Loss came down to the last individual match. 1 Loss we had but fell to just a better team was Fred T. Foard…. Currently ranked 5th in the State and also Won the Dual Tournament that they hosted.
Next, was our Landmark win against cross-town rivals South Iredell and then we Wrestled undefeated 7-0 Bunker Hill and gave them a battle which also came down to the last individual match.
One thing I did not mention was, one of the Ties we had was to currently ranked #5 in the State West Wilkes also the returning State Dual Meet Champs.
The bottom line: West Wrestling is COMPETING!
Our line-up is peppered with more than a handful of kids that have either zero or just one year experience and WE are still competing.
I am pleased with that BUT we are still looking to turn the corner and create some great momentum leading into our conference schedule.
PLEASE be Aware that WE need YOU to Succeed.
Seriously, WE NEED your support – encouragement – and your presence to cheer us on as WE make strides in an increased effort to do something very Special that many can benefit from and talk about for years to come.
PLEASE JOIN US as we look to do just that.
I so look forward to your Positive Comments and Feedback!
Take Care & God Bless,
Coach Tommy Pavia
West Wrestling
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